Work Permits » Work Permits

Work Permits

Welcome to the Banning HS Work Permit Page


Work Permits may be attained by visiting Mr. Huezo
Location:  Room 117

When: Period 7 with a pass from your teacher (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays).
Mr. Huezo is not available on Thursdays during 7th period

After School: Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Work Permit Qualifications:

1) An overall 2.0 GPA in the last official report card or grading period (midterm or final)
If you have less than a 2.0 GPA, your current teachers will have input into whether a work permit may be issued.
2) Attendance and tardies will be reviewed. 
LAUSD Attendance Policy states the following:
"Every student is expected to attend school for the length of the school day on a daily basis unless there is a valid justification for the absence (Education Code Section 48200). The goal for all students is to have 96% attendance or higher, which means no more than seven (7) absences all year long." 
Multiple / Chronic Tardies will also be considered when reviewing your attendance record.

All Absences must be cleared through the Attendance Office prior to requesting a Work Permit. 
Ask for an "Absence Clearance Report" from the clerical staff. You get your parents to sign for the dates you were absent and return the form to Mr. Huezo in Room 117.
3) Behavior referrals will also be reviewed. 

REMEMBER - your JOB is to be the best student you can be!


Once you find a job and have a job offer:
  • Work Permits are issued after school Wednesday & Thursdays
    Also during 7th Period by appointment - Email Mr. Huezo
    7th Period availability limited to Mondays & Wednesdays
  • Email Mr. Huezo for assistance – [email protected]
  • “Work Permit Request” in the Subject Line
  • In the message:
    "Hello Mr. Huezo,
    I would like to make an appointment for my work permit.
    Thank you,
    Yourfirstname Yourlastname”

  • A Work Permit Application is attached in these instructions below (you fill out, get signed by employer & parents)
  • REMEMBER to RENEW your summer work permit with Mr. Huezo when school begins on 8/14/23. Last school year's work permits are no longer valid.
***A work permit must be revoked whenever the issuing authority determines the employment is illegal or is impairing the health or education of the minor (EC 49164).

For more information regarding California Work Permit Regulations, visit the CDE FAQ website.
