Accreditation (WASC) » 2020 WASC Self-Study Report

2020 WASC Self-Study Report


Explain the school self-study process used to accomplish the outcomes of the self-study, i.e., timeline, stakeholder involvement, any modifications from the model self-study process. By addressing these outcomes of the self-study, the school will have accomplished:
1. The involvement and collaboration of all staff and other stakeholders to support student achievement
The WASC self-study process has been structured to incorporate the collaboration and input of all stakeholders-faculty, staff, students and parents. Phineas Banning High School (PBHS) used different forums to collect and analyze input from a variety of sources, through a variety of means, and worked diligently to develop a Self-Study that incorporated a true reflection of the school and to insure input and dialogue between and among various stakeholder groups.
In addition to WASC Focus and Home groups, PBHS used established groups and practices to analyze student achievement data for the Focus on Learning /Self-Study process including School Site Council (SSC), English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC), Instructional Leadership Team (ILT), committees reporting to the Expanded School-Based Management Model (ESBMM) committee, faculty meetings, department/PLC meetings, the Parent Center (with full-time parent representative), and monthly Coffee with the Principal (CWP). Parent involvement and input increased as the self-study process advanced, and ways to participate were clarified.
At Coffee with the Principal, parent-friendly surveys were given to parents to acquire perceptual data as well as take inventory of some possible needs. Parents asked for presentations from different sources, both in and out of school, to help them understand not only Focus on Learning, but also how to navigate the school to support their children. Parent input was solicited in a data- driven discussion about the gap between A-G enrollment, which is a LAUSD requirement, and A-G college readiness, or passing courses with a “C” or better. Some parents have participated in classroom observations as part of a Public School Choice 4.0 team comprised of teachers, administrators, parents, and central and local district staff. Through these learning walks, parents looked at student work, observed different teaching and learning models, and provided actionable feedback. At this time, parents have not read the WASC document, but they have provided feedback as to how the school can support them, and will read drafts at a future CWP.
A student home group also met to work on the self-study. At their meetings they were informed about the WASC accreditation process, discussed our Vision, Mission, and SLOS and participated in a KaHoot! quiz on the covered content, responded to the FG prompts, volunteered for “adult” focus groups, discussed the importance of looking at data and planned to analyze some pieces of data. Every group of 9th grade students that goes through a library orientation also gets WASC information and opportunities to be involved. Weekly WASC Wednesday PA announcements began in the fall of 2019 to inform students and staff about FOL related information. Students from ASB have joined our out-of-classroom personnel at monthly calendar meetings to keep track of school events including those related to the self-study. The student piece is one aspect of our efforts to institutionalize self-study focus on learning. PBHS is committed to making the self-study process ongoing, and avoid having “WASC” become an event that happens every six years rather than an embedded practice.
Click here to download and read more about WASC Self-Study Report.