Title I » Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy

Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy

TITLE:District Title I Parent Involvement Policy
ISSUER:Dr. Donna E. Muncey
Chief of Intensive Support and Intervention
Office of the Superintendent
Rowena Lagrosa
Executive Director
Parent Community Student Services Branch
DATE:July 22, 2014
POLICY:The District Title I Parent Involvement Policy (Attachment A) was developed jointly with and approved by parents of Title I students from representative schools across LAUSD (Attachment B), and adopted by the LAUSD Board of Education on December 11, 2012. It is reviewed by Title I parents in each Educational Service Center (ESC) annually.
MAJOR CHANGES:This Bulletin replaces BUL-5963, adopted in 2013, and reflects the alignment of the LAUSD Parents as Equal Partners in the Education of their Children Resolution (2010) and Task Force Recommendations (2011) to mandates of Title I, Part A, Section 1118 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and parent involvement policies addressed in the California Department of Education Family Engagement Framework, 2011.
This Bulletin describes the role of the Title I Study Group in each Educational Service Center (ESC) and the Intensive Support and Innovation Center (ISIC) in the ongoing development and revision of the District Title I Parent Involvement Policy and provides schools with a framework, goals, and definition for effective parent engagement.
GUIDELINES:Adherence to the provisions in this policy will strengthen the capacity of parents and educators to engage as equal partners to support children’s learning and achievement; will ensure full compliance with federal, state and District guidelines and mandates regarding parental involvement; and will guide school efforts to implement quality parent engagement plans.
At the beginning of the school year, before the end of November, all principals must distribute the one-page description of the LAUSD Title I Parent Involvement Policy (see Attachments C1 and C2) to all parents of Title I students as well as address the contents of the policy with parents of Title I students at the annual Title I parent meeting. In addition, principals are directed to share this policy with the School Site Council (SSC), all other mandated advisory committees, and with teachers and support staff.
This District policy and School Goals for Parent Engagement (Attachment D) must guide the development of the School Title I Parent Involvement Policy and plan of action for parent engagement. Principals of Title I schools must ensure that their School Title I Parent Involvement Policy is jointly developed with and approved by parents of Title I students. The school policy must indicate when and how the school:
  1. involves parents in the development of the Title I Parent Involvement Policy.
  2. involves staff and parents as partners in creating the School-Parent Compact.
  3. provides parents opportunities to strengthen their capacity to support their children’s learning and achievement.
  4. ensures accessibility and opportunities for parents with limited English proficiency, with disabilities, or parents of migrant students.
The School Title I Parent Involvement Policy must be reviewed annually and revised as needed to reflect major changes, such as changes in demographics, curriculum and testing programs, the availability of parent center facilities and programs, and/or other major changes impacting the school. The policy must be adopted by parents for inclusion in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and must meet all Title I mandates for parental involvement.
ASSISTANCE:For assistance with the development of the School Title I Parent Involvement Policy, the School-Parent Compacts, or other matters pertaining to the school and/or the LAUSD Title I Parent Involvement Policy, please contact the Administrator of Parent and Community Engagement at the Educational Service Center.
ESC North: (818) 654-3600
ESC South: (310) 354-3400
ESC East: (323) 224-3100
ESC West: (310) 914-2100
ISIC: (213) 241-0100
Click here to download and read more about Title 1 Parent Involvement Policy.