Parent Center » School Parent and Family Compact

School Parent and Family Compact

School Parent and Family Compact - English

What is a School-Parent Compact?

A School-Parent Compact for Achievement is an agreement that parents, students and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach or exceed grade-level standards.
Effective compacts:
  • Link to goals of the school improvement plan
  • Focus on student learning skills
  • Describe how teachers will help students develop those skills using high-quality curriculum and effective instruction in a supportive learning environment
  • Share strategies parents can use at home
  • Explain how teachers and parents will communicate about student progress
  • Describe opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe, and participate in the classroom

Activities to Build Partnerships

The school coordinates and integrates the Title I parent and family program with other programs and carries out other activities, such as parent resource centers, to encourage and support parents to participate more fully in the education of their children. Banning offers parents night, conferences with teachers in the afternoon where Title I parents can visit their children’s classroom.

Jointly developed

with input from Title I parents through parent and teacher focus groups to help parents better understand their Title I rights such as working together with the school to monitor their student’s progress and improve their academic performance. The contract between the school and parents describes the specific ways in which the school and families partner to help students achieve the state’s high academic standards.

Communication about Student Learning

Our school is committed to regular two-way communication with families about their children’s learning. Some of the ways parents and teachers communicate all year are:
If you would like to volunteer, participate in,
  • Back to School Night and/or observe a classroom...
  • Open House
  • PLBAO Parent Teacher conferences Fall and Spring Semester
  • Recruitment Fair
  • Coffee with the Principal
  • Schoology
  • Phone call and letters home
  • the school’s website
Click here to read more and download the PDF version of 2020 - 2021 School Parent and Family Compact.

School Parent and Family Compact - Spanish

¿Qué es un contrato entre la escuela y los padres?

Un Pacto entre la escuela y los padres para el logro es un acuerdo que padres, alumnos y maestros desarrollan juntos. Explica cómo los padres y maestros trabajarán juntos para asegurarse de que todos los estudiantes alcancen o superen los estándares de nivel de grado.
Pactos efectivos:
  • Enlace a los objetivos del plan de mejora escolar
  • Enfocarse en las habilidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes
  • Describa cómo los maestros ayudarán a los estudiantes a desarrollar esas habilidades usando un plan de estudios de alta calidad e instrucción
  • Compartir estrategias que los padres pueden usar en casa

Actividades para Generar Alianzas

La escuela coordina e integra el programa de padres y familias de Titulo I con otros programas y lleva a cabo otras actividades, como centros de recursos para padres, para alentar y apoyar a los padres a participar más plenamente en la educación de sus hijos. Banning ofrece noches de padres, conferencias con maestros por la tarde donde los padres de Titulo I pueden visitar los salones de sus hijos/as

Comunicación Acerca del Aprendizaje Estudiantil

Banning distribuye información relacionada a los programas escolares, plan de estudios, evaluaciones, calificaciones y cualquier otra medida utilizada durante las reuniones de padres, Noche de regreso a clases, Conferencias de padres, Schoology para aumentar los logros de los estudiantes de Título I.
Click here to read more and download the PDF version of 2022 - 2023 School Parent and Family Compact - Spanish.