Library » For Teachers!

For Teachers!

GET PINS for Students!!!!!

Student pins for both LAUSD email and LAPL Student Success Cards are now easily accessible to teachers in Schoology!
  1. Go to Schoology and open one of your classes.
  2. Click on the MyMail PIN APP in the left hand column. Accept the APP and a class roster will appear. You will see student LAUSD emails and PINs. If you scroll right you will also see student LAPL Student Success Card Number and PINs. 
  3. In the PIN columns, hover your mouse over the #### and the PIN number will show.
  4. With the information you provide, the students can now create a Schoology password or reset their Schoology password if they forgot it.
  5. With their SSO the students also have the entire Google Suite, access to Edgenuity, Naviance, the Destiny Discover Library Catalog, and remote access to the LAUSD Digital Library. They also can access all LAPL student resources.
  6. If students click the 4 little squares at the top of their Schoology page, they can go to our Destiny Catalog, the LAUSD Digital Library, and LAPL. 
Plagiarism Resources for Teachers!
Click HERE for articles, lessons, slideshows, video and other materials to teach students about plagiarism.