International Trade Academy » EXP Internship Program

EXP Internship Program


  • Submit internship program interest form application. Due Friday, October 8, 2021 
Attendance is MANDATORY. Absence from any EXP workshop without proper communication to your Program Manager will result in you being dropped from the program.

Should you have any questions/concerns feel free to email Sandra Rascon at [email protected] or Maribel Alejandre at [email protected]

Follow the steps below to complete the internship draft application:  

What you will submit:

  • Draft Resume
  • Draft Cover Letter
  • EXP Application
  • Essay Response: (300 word minimum)
    • Question: “How will the EXP summer Internship Program serve as an essential part of you reaching your long-term and short-term career goals?"

Steps to submitting:

Step 1: Create your own account with your email address. Please use the following link:

Step 2: Click “Get Started”

Step 3: Create a profile by typing in your name, email, and password. Hit submit once you're done but remember to write down your account information.

Step 4: Click on “Opportunities” which is located on the left-hand side of the second column. (See the application guide attached)

Step 5: Complete the EXP application online. This includes your personal information such as name, address, social security number, etc…

Step 6: Upload your resume.

Step 7: Upload your cover letter.

Step 8: Answer the essay response in the space provided. (answer the essay using 300 words minimum)

Please apply online. No paper applications will be accepted.

EXP Internship Program Dates:

EXP Internship Workshop 4: Discovering Who You Are
January 27, 2022 - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

EXP Internship Workshop 5: Dress for Success
February 17, 2022 - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

EXP Internship Workshop 6: Mastering the Interview
March 24, 2022 - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

EXP Final Internship Portfolio Deadline
March 25, 2022 - Time end of Day

EXP Mock Interviews
April 12, 2022 - Time TBD
EXP Internship Workshop 7: You Got the Job! Now What?
May 19, 2022 - 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

EXP Employer Orientation
June 8, 2022 - Time TBD

EXP Employer Interviews
June 14-16, 2022 - Time TBD

EXP Summer Internship Parent-Student Orientation 
June 23, 2022 - Time TBD
EXP Summer Internship Begins
June 27, 2022

Sample Job Interview Questions:

  1. Tell me something about yourself?
  2. What are your weaknesses?
  3. What are your strengths?
  4. What are your plans after high school?
  5. Why do you want to work at the port?
  6. Do you work well with others?
  7. How do you spend your spare time?
  8. Why did you choose to volunteer at the specific place?
  9. Can you tell me about your best accomplishments?
    Why is that important to you?
  10. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?
  11. What is your least favorite subject in school? Why?

Appropriate Workplace Attire

    • Covered shoulders and knee length attire is considered appropriate
    • Shorts are not appropriate in the workplace
    • Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed
    • Shoes must be worn at all times
    • Don't wear excessive high heel shoes
    • No clothing that depicts crude, vulgar/profane or sexually suggestive language, slogans and or pictures that infer and/or promote drugs, tobacco, and alcoholic beverages, membership or support of any group(s), gang(s), language, graphics, pictures or drawings that degrade others based on race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or other related factors
    • Do not wear excessive or flashy jewelry
    • Do not wear really tight clothing
    • No sleeveless, strapless, or spaghetti-strapped clothing
    • No cleavage showing
    • Avoid wearing too much cologne or perfume
    • No tattoos showing, no body piercing showing. Wear only one earring per ear
    • Never chew gum