International Trade Academy » Top Sail (Catalina)

Top Sail (Catalina)

Top Sail Voyage Catalina Island

What is Topsail?

The Topsail Youth Program is an education and adventure experience aboard a large sailing vessel experienced in your sophomore year. The first part of the program typically consists of a series of one day sails in and around the Los Angeles - Long Beach Harbors scheduled over a period of several months. Each day's activities build on the skills and knowledge gained during the preceding day sails. These skills include problem solving, decision making, planning, self-reliance and leadership.

More than "Just a Boat Ride"

The shipboard environment is challenging, yet nurturing - encouraging exploration and self-reliance. It is notably effective with youth who are not coping well with the demands of society and are at risk of dropping out of school and giving up.

The program provides an educational venue that is rich in potential for the development of knowledge, skill and attitudes that are both necessary for the education of today's youth and difficult to teach in a traditional classroom.

Topsail enriches, validates and challenges conventional school curricula by bringing biology, mathematics, physics, geography, history literature and the environment to life in the real world classroom of the sea.