Positive Behavior Intervention Support » Banning High School Student Bahavior Code

Banning High School Student Bahavior Code

Banning  High  School  is  committed  to  providing  a  safe  learning  environment  for  all  students,  Teachers,  Counselors,  Dean  and Administrators will assist students in solving problems that interfere with their opportunity to learn.  Students must make every effort to maintain a prompt and regular attendance record, demonstrate effort in class, and display proper social conduct towards other students and adults.
Section  A: Students  will  be  formally  suspended  from  school;  students  are  subject  to  arrest,  transfer  and/or  recommended  for expulsion for the following violations:
  1. Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self-defense.
  2. Assault or battery upon any school employee.
  3. Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or sexual battery.4.
  4. Participating in an act of hate, violence, and/or crime.
  5. Making terrorist threats against school officials.
  6. Possessing,  selling,  or  furnishing  any  firearm,  knife,  explosive,  or  other  dangerous  objects,  including,  but  not  limited  to  M-80s. Fireworks, firecrackers, Baseball bats are also considered dangerous objects.
  7. Brandishing a knife or any other dangerous object.
  8. Possessing, selling, or furnishing of any controlled substance, narcotics, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant of any kind.
  9. Causing or attempting to cause damage to school or private property.  Parents will be financially responsible for damages.
  10. Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion.
Section B: Disciplinary action will be taken in response to the following violations; discipline may include, but is not limited to, suspension or a transfer to another school:
  1. Engaging in harassment, hate language, threats, or intimidation against a pupil or group of pupils.
  2. Committing an obscene actor engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
  3. Possessing an imitation firearm, such as a BB gun or a soft pellet air-gun.
  4. Being under the influence of any controlled substance (mandatory participation in a rehabilitation program will be required).
  5. Possessing  drug  paraphernalia,  such  a  marijuana  pipes,  zig-zag  papers,  etc.  (Mandatoryparticipation  in  a  rehabilitation program will be required).
  6. Possessing vandalism tools, such as permanent markers, spray cans, etc.
  7. Gambling.
  8. Possessing  or  using  tobacco,  nicotine  products,  including,  but  not  limited  to  cigarettes,  lighter  and  chew  packs  (mandatory participation in a rehabilitation program will be required).
  9. Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property.
  10. Knowingly receiving stolen school property or private property.
  11. Throwing objects, including food or beverages.
  12. Making sexual and/or obscene comments that constitute sexual harassment.
  13. Possessing pornographic materials.14.Disrupting school activities or willfully defying valid authority.
Section C: The following student behaviors arerequired and may result in disciplinary action if not adhere to
  1. Dress appropriately for school.  Follow the Student Dress code.
  2. Electronic devices, with the exception of cellphones, may only be used before and after school, during nutrition and lunch, and during passing periods.  Electronics devices may not be used or be visible during instructional time, including headphones and earbuds.Such  devices maybe  put  away  upon  entering  a  classroom,  office,  lab,  etc.    Failure  to comply  with  this policy  will result  in  confiscation  of  the  device.    Banning  high  School  is  not  responsible  for  any  lost  or  stolen  devices.    No  classroom search will be conducted in an  event that an electronicdevice becomes missing and/or stolen during class time or any  other school activity.
  3. NO Bluetooth Speakers, small or large Boomboxes are allowed on campus.
  4. Cellphones  may  not  be  visible  and  must  be  turned  off  throughout  the  entire  school  day.    Confiscated  cell  phones  will  be returned to parents of to the students after completing of disciplinary action.
  5. Do  not  have  any  vulgar/profane  language,  tagging,  or  gang  and  crew  names  written  on  any  personal  belonging,  such  a backpack, purses, notebooks, etc.
  6. Do not bring scissors to school or any other object that can be used as a weapon.
  7. Do not ride motorcycles, bikes, roller-skates/blades or skateboards, to school, please ask permission froma teacher to keep it in a classroom until the end of the school day.
  8. Refrain from any kindof public displays of affection.
  9. Carry you ID card and present it upon request.  Do not reface our ID CARD.
  10. Always carry a HALL PASS when out of class.
  11. Maintain a clean campus by disposing of all trash in receptacles
  12. Refrain from horseplay.
  13. Do not bring babies, younger siblings or any other unauthorized visitors to schools.
  14. Do not bring pets to school.
Click here to download PDF Version of Student Behavior Code.